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Top 5 Travel Essentials

Who doesn’t enjoy traveling? I would love to pick up my stuff and leave for three months, but that isn’t very doable at the moment. However, I do get to travel for my job. It isn’t anywhere super exciting or far away, but it is somewhere I have never been before, and that is Wisconsin.

Every single time I travel I always try to pack very light. I try to combine different outfits instead of packing more pieces. I figure the less pieces the better. It’s just as easy as mixing and matching. I wanted to share with you some of my top travel essentials, not just about fashion, but other items that I always have to have when I go somewhere.

  1. My own towels: I know this can sound very weird because hotels already provide towels. However, I do have an explanation for this. Recently, I got a weird rash and went to the doctor. She couldn’t really figure out what might have happened to me. Since then, she suggested I take my own towels when I travel to be safe. I would rather be safe than sorry!
  2. iPad/Laptop: This is a must for me because I want to be productive during my connection flights because I usually have a couple of hours to just sit in the airport. For this trip, I used my iPad a lot because I have the Kindle App that contains all my books that I need to read for class. I was able to highlight and take notes right then and there. I also blog when I am traveling so it is very convenient to bring my devices. The only side effect is having to take them out at security check-in.
  3. Skincare products/toiletries: I always have to carry my own skincare products because without those I either start getting dry or start using new ones that mess with my skin. Toiletries are also a must because I don’t like using the hotel’s. One of the tips I suggest is using reusable plastic bottles to fill them up with your everyday shampoo and body wash. This way, you save on purchasing new ones each time you travel.
  4. Leggings are a girl’s best friend: Anywhere I go I always take leggings because they are very easy to style and reuse throughout your travels. The only thing you have to worry about would be the top but if you have a cardigan or a sweater then it makes the outfit very easy to put together.
  5. Slippers/sandals: I can never travel anywhere with at least some type of comfortable footwear for when I get out of the shower. I just imagine how many people have walked in the hotel and could never walk barefoot. My mom would never let me, because she used to be a housekeeper and knew what things weren’t washed daily. So this is why I always take something to lounge around in while I’m in my hotel room.

These are only some of the many things I always have to pack when I travel. Please feel free to comment down below some of your top essentials for traveling.