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Three Favorite Recipes from Laura Vitali

When I first started watching YouTube videos I could not stop watched Laura Vitali. All of her videos are super delicious. She shares some of the most amazing recipes, especially Italian food. I think one of the hardest things to do is deciding what to eat. My boyfriend and I like all types of food, but growing up in a Mexican home I was only accustomed to Mexican food. I had to resort somewhere else to learn other types of recipes. Don’t get me wrong, I always call my Mom when it comes to her Mexican recipes.

Laura Vitali shares different types of recipes, from Italian, Mexican, desserts, and even appetizers. That is why I truly recommend watching her videos because she shares a little bit of everything. I wanted to share with you most of the recipes I have tried and like from her. I also don’t always follow the recipes and end up adding my own taste.

Chicken Tortilla Soup
I follow this recipe pretty well and have to say it is by far the best one. We love making soup for nights that are cold. That really doesn’t happen in the summer, but this past Monday it was very cold, it even started raining. We made it and it was really good as always. Most of the time we don’t use a jalapeno, but if we do we only include a couple of pieces. I don’t like spicy things because my tongue gets very sensitive.

Mozzarella Sticks

Alonso and I have not made these in awhile, now that I think about it. They are so delicious and I never knew there was such an easy way to make them. It was one of those, who would’ve known? moments. I also like how quick it takes to make them. A lot of the times, I think we assume it is easier to just eat out instead of making our own food. It may take a little longer from washing the dishes, but it’s still quick.

Bacon Chicken Pasta

If you know me personally, you probably know how much I love pasta. It isn’t the healthiest but it probably is the yummiest. This is one of those easy to do recipes that won’t take much time. I like the sauce that Laura does for this recipe and it all is so authentic. I enjoy making food from scratch. The only thing I dislike about cooking is the dishes part, but you all know that already (lol). Try out the pasta and let me know if you like it just as much.

Those are only some of the amazing recipes that Laura Vitali has on her website and YouTube channel. Let me know in the comments down below what your favorite recipe is!