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My Forever Valentine

  1. When/where did we meet?
    We met in the summer of 2008. We met at a mutual friend’s birthday party. It’s actually a funny story the way he started talking to me. I will have to do another post on that because that is a whole other story.
  2. When did you meet my parents?
    Alonso met my parents around the same time I met him. I didn’t meet his parents until we started to go out again a couple years after that.
  3. Where/when was our first kiss?
    It was in December of 2008 we were not official boyfriend and girlfriend just dating. It was at the old Casino West that used to be in what you would consider “downtown” of Yerington.
  4. Who said “I love you” first?
    Alonso did. However, side note, I have only ever said I love you to one person and that was him, but way later on down the road.
  5. Where was our first date?
    Watching a movie at Casino West, this is pretty much what everyone in Yerington ever did for a “date.”
  6. Which is our most favorite drink/ food?
    Alonso and I love food! We love to cook. Our favorite foods include steak, sushi, chiles rellenos, and burgers. We love to drink Coke (I don’t, he makes me because he thinks its gross to drink food with water).
  7. When do you plan on getting married?
    We think there is always a time and place for it. There is currently no rush for marriage. We are just going day by day and I am currently going to school again so we both are pretty busy to even think about this at times.
  8. What does your favorite date night consist of?
    As of lately, there have been very few date nights because I started school again. However, when we get the chance we go out and have a nice meal and just talk about our day and how it went. We come home, snuggle, and watch our favorite Netflix shows (Shameless and Blacklist, and Stranger Things).
  9. How long have you been together?
    Alonso and I met in 2008, started dating in 2009, and broke up in 2010 (we both were babies). We still hung around and saw each other but didn’t make it official again until 2013, and we have been together ever since :).
  10. What makes you feel most loved?
    Alonso: with actions and a back rub
    Patty: words, I love to feel loved with simple heart felt words

    This was in 2009 at my 15th birthday party. Alonso and I were dating, but we didn’t tell anyone until I was officially 15 or else I would have been in deep trouble :).
  11. Do you want kids?
    Yes! We both want to have kids, but we feel there is no rush and when the time is right we will be very happy. Meanwhile, we love on my nieces and Alonso’s nephew and little sister. That’s enough for us for right now. 🙂
  12. Craziest thing you guys have done?
    We went skydiving and I would never do that for anyone else again (I started getting scared after the fact not before) :). It was so much fun though!
  13. What do you love about each other?
    Alonso: my niceness, my funny personality, my determination and hard working characteristics
    Patty: I love how Alonso is very relaxed and calm about anything and everything. I admire him because I have trouble being like that. He gets along with my family and I love that about him. He has been so supportive with everything I have ever wanted to do. If I come home late there’s food and a clean home. I wouldn’t have been able to do everything by myself and I thank him for that! As you can tell I am the one that is better with words :).

14. Who cooks better?
This questions deserves a match because I think it’s me, but Alonso thinks it’s him. I must say he cooks really well and I love that he doesn’t think that women are the ones that always have to be in the kitchen. We both always cook together unless I have homework or class then he will cook for me… he’s the best!

So that sums it up! I hope everyone has a wonderful night full of love, but I also hope you feel loved every day not just today. I am currently in Wisconsin for work and wish I could be home, but I am just thankful that every day I get to spend it with my forever valentine.