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How to Avoid Excuses for Working Out

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There always comes a day when you really don’t want to go to the gym or workout in general. I am sure (well hopefully) I’m not the only one who feels like this sometimes. It can be a little discouraging to go to the gym on days where nothing is going right, or you’re tired, or even too sore. I wanted to gather some helpful tips to avoid these excuses and still get to the gym by the end of the day.


Go to the gym in the morning

I always feel like this is the most practical thing to do for those that always end up coming home from work and sitting on the couch saying, “I don’t want to go the gym today.” Well if you go to the gym in the morning you likely won’t have this feeling in the afternoon, because guess what? You already took care of it in the morning. For others, going to the gym in the morning can be really hard, but don’t forget even a quick 30 minute workout can make all the difference!

Tip #2

Purchase a gym membership close to your home

This was one of the main reasons why I wouldn’t be able to make it to the gym last year. My boyfriend and I decided to get a gym membership at a lower price, but the gym was around 20-30 minutes from our house (traffic). This was not a very brilliant idea of ours. We ended up cancelling our gym membership and instead, I purchased one about 5 minutes from our house. It is very convenient because if I go in the morning, I can still go home and get ready before work. If I decided to go to the gym in the afternoon, I can stop by before I go home. Regardless, this avoids my excuse of “the gym is too far.”

Tip #3

Workout at home

There have been times when I didn’t want to wake up so early to go to the gym and I said I would pass by on my way home…and I don’t. There will be those days when you just “don’t want to go to the gym” and what I find best is doing a full-body-45 minute-cardio session at home. Let me stop you before you think of the excuse, “I don’t know what workouts to do at home.” I have you covered, and the easiest way for me to help you is suggesting you download these two apps, PumpUp and Sworkit. They offer some great cardio workouts. You can also just take a 5 mile run around your area and finish with some abs, lunges, and squats.

Tip #4

Follow fitness influencers

Occasionally, I have heard that some people don’t want to go to the gym because they don’t know what workouts to do. Most gyms do offer some type of “free training” or they have trainers. If you are barely starting and have no idea how to properly lift or use the machines, I highly suggest you have someone train you or show you. The reason being is that if you follow your favorite fitness influencer and try to do the same workout, without knowing “how” to do it, you could hurt yourself. Now, if you know how to use the machines and do proper lifting, then I do suggest you follow some fitness influencers on social media. They offer some amazing workouts. You could also download the two apps I mentioned in Tip #3. Most of these influencers provide videos or have a YouTube channel that you can follow for workouts as well. This will help you avoid the excuse of not knowing what workout to do.

I hope you don’t get stuck in the “excuses” phase and go out there and get fit! I do want to mention that the more you do something the more it becomes a part of your lifestyle. The gym is the same exact way. Now that I have stayed consistently, I find myself not making as much excuses anymore. I try to really make this a routine and a “part of me” (if that makes sense). You will never realize your true potential if you don’t get started!

Please leave a comment down below some of your tips for avoiding excuses to work out.