How Being in a Grit Culture Can Motivate You
I was debating to share this on the blog or not, but I thought, “hey, one of the main goals I want my blog to be is a source of inspiration, so why not share this, especially if you’ve never heard of “grit”!” I came about the book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, in one of my current classes at The University of Nevada, Reno. This class has changed my outlook on life, work, and everything in between. I love classes that offer so much value to not only your career but your personal life. As I started reading Grit, I realized I grew up in this environment because of my parents.
My parents have so much grit because they never gave up on their dreams, despite having practically no education from Mexico, or having only spoken Spanish majority of their life. My Dad became a US citizen, and even learned to speak English with only having gone to 6th grade in Mexico. That just blows my mind, like how? Now after reading Grit, I realize it’s because he’s had grit this whole time. He’s very other centric, and thinks about the well-being of others and not himself. If you followed me for a while you know that my Dad means a lot to me, but so does my ENTIRE family. I couldn’t begin to explain to you how much every single one of them truly possess grit.
That goes into my next topic as to why being a part of a grit culture is so important. So if you haven’t read the book, or have no idea what grit is, you can check out my video down below for a brief story on what grit has been like in my life, or watch this TedEx talk. Okay, so now that we are all on the same page, let’s talk about grit culture. I take grit culture as a support system. If you surround yourself with gritty people, likelihood is you’ll start to become gritty yourself.
I have seen this occur within my own grit culture, not just from my family, but from my friends. Compared to my old high school days, my friends have come and gone, I have met new people and I no longer have relationships with some people. What I can tell you is that my outlook on friendship has completely changed. The amount of grit that my grit culture of friends possess is ridiculous. One of my best friends was not accepted from UNR’s Nursing Program multiple times. Did that stop her from pursing her dream? Nope! She applied to another school and come December she will finally be an RN. She may have faced one of the hardest adversities not once but multiple times but that didn’t stop her hope. This motivates me to keep trying regardless of the amount of times I fail, but it also motivates our other friends. It’s like a domino effect.
Being a part of a Grit culture can keep you on your toes and provide you support to keep on trying. Sure, you will be disappointed but you will continue to strive to accomplish your goals. I recommend surrounding yourselves with Gritty people, and people who care about your well-being. Every time one of my friends accomplishes something we turn to each other for the support. How do I do this? Or guess what girls, I accomplished this!
If you don’t surround yourself with people with a growth mindset, you’ll start to think you can’t accomplish something and doubt yourself. You will lose your hope, but don’t be like that. Be gritty and know that you truly can accomplish your goals by having grit.
Please check out my video below as I share with you my grit story. You can subscribe to my channel for future posts.