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Five Favorite Meals

1. Rice, Beans, and cheese

I know you are probably thinking, really? It may seem so plain and simple to some, but growing up I could eat this daily. I absolutely love beans, and I’m actually kind of sad I don’t make them on the regular. Alonso doesn’t really love them as much as I do so we have to balance our meals out (LOL). Mexican rice is my favorite, but I’m not going to lie, I fell in love with white rice when I was in China. Rice and beans are the sides to a big entrée but more often than not, I could just eat them alone. Also, I want to add, I’m seriously THAT person that goes to family parties, birthday parties, etc. and asks, “where are the beans?” if they say they don’t have any, I secretly cry internally.

2. Pizza

I am a big pizza lover, not on the daily, but I do love the taste of hot cheesy pizza. I’m probably making you hungry, am I right? Ever since I can recall I have always loved having pizza, especially from Yerington’s Round Table. I have also tried several other types of pizza, even the Chicago deep dish…yummy! No matter where I have pizza is still stays true to my heart, although I know it’s not the best for you, but hey that’s why you don’t eat it on the daily!

3. Posole

Now, where are my posole lovers? When it was getting right around the corner for my birthday my mom used to always ask me, “what kind of food do you want for your birthday party?” My response was always pozole! It’s seriously so delicious with some lime and repollo, (now I just want it haha). If you have no idea was posole is, check out this recipe.

4. Chiles Rellenos

Now this is another one of my Mexican favorites! If you haven’t already figured it out, Mexican food is my favorite! I love making chiles rellenos with Alonso. I can honestly say I am so so grateful for meeting someone who loves to cook and eat as much as I do. We both hate the washing dishes part because it’s kind of annoying. You prepare this amazing food that ends up in 50 dishes you have to wash, like how? Alonso and I are a tag team when we are preparing chiles rellenos. They can be very messy. If you guys want a recipe on the way Alonso and I make them, please leave a comment down below!

5. Parmesan Chicken

I am a big fan of Italian food, the pasta, the bread, and the sauces. They are all so delicious and full of flavors. If I could pick a place in the world to travel simply because of the food, I would pick Italy. I just love the authenticity of the Chinese food when I went to China, now I can only imagine what the food in Italy tastes like. I like to make the parmesan chicken from scratch and use the sauce from a can. I have made it from scratch and it tastes almost the same.

Follow me on my Pinterest for some of my other favorite recipes I like to make.