“Get To Know Me” Tag
Hello Everyone!
I figured I would do a tag to get to know me a little bit more and some of the things I like. I hope you enjoy!
Are you named after anyone?
1. I’m not really named after anyone in particular, BUT my mom always says my dad picked out my name. However, she says it was the name of one of my dad’s ex-girlfriends, (but he says that isn’t true). I always get a kick out of it when we talk about this :).2. When was the last time you cried?
The last time I cried was probably two weeks ago. When I talk about my grandma I start to relive everything and that is always a trigger for some tears. Death is never easy to deal with and especially at the time it happened, it still is hard. My boyfriend is such a positive and happy person and crying is always hard when all he makes me do is laugh.3. Do you have kids? No, but I do have two sweet beautiful princesses (nieces) and I do love them like if they were my own.
4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
I think I would. I really do strive to be good to others, I’m not sure how well I am doing at that, we would have to ask my girlfriends :).5. Do you sarcasm a lot?
Uhmm, of course! Especially with my girlfriends, we always get a laugh out of it. It comes from a good heart, I promise!6. Will you ever bungee-jump?
Of course! I have already skydived and it was such a blast! I think bungee-jumping is more intimidating but I bet the thrill is amazing.7. What is your favorite cereal?
Lucky Charms and Cinnamon Toast Crunch8. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their energy and personality. It sounds awkward but I love meeting people that have a positive, uplifting, and loving life personality.9. What is your eye color?
I want to say dark dark brown.10. Scary movie or happy endings?
Happy endings 🙂 But if I’m watching it during the day then a scary movie. I have to be holding someone’s hand if I’m watching a scary movie at night.11. Favorite smells?
Anything that has a fresh scent, gas, and the smell of permanent markers… I know gross, huh?12. Summer or winter?
Winter… except the driving in winter. I just love the cute fall/winter outfits and the holidays.13. Computer or television?
Computer and then watch my tv shows on there 🙂14. What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home?
When I studied abroad in China.15. Do you have any special talents?
I like to think I pick up learning different languages pretty quickly but I’ve only ever tried to learn one other, besides English and Spanish. I didn’t have any talents growing up either, but I did play a lot of sports and can pole vault!16. Where were you born?
I was born in Reno, Nevada and grew up in Yerington, Nevada.17. What are your hobbies?
Watching YouTube, checking out new blogs, posting on my own blog, watching literally only like 2-3 TV shows, online shopping, playing with my nieces, working out, hanging out with my sisters and friends, checking out new restaurants with my boyfriend, but out of all my hobbies my favorite is spending time with my family18. Do you have any pets?
No and I doubt I will have any. If you count, I gave my parents a puppy, and he is the cutest!19. Favorite movie?
Pitch Perfect, all the Marvel movies, If I Stay (I cried the entire movie while watching it in the flight to China)20. Do you have any siblings?
I have an older brother and a younger brother. I also have amazing sorority sisters all over the country.21. What do you want to be when you grow up?
It’s hard to answer that because I think being so young my mind changes a lot. I just want to be happy, successful, and have a family with my boyfriend.If you have any other types of questions do not hesitate in emailing me or commenting on this post. I used Ysis Lorenna’s tag and tag you to do the 21 questions!
Patty G.Daughter of a 1987 Immigrant
Graduation is only one day away, and there are all these emotions that pass through my head. I’m scared, happy, proud, fulfilled, accomplished, and the list goes on. In order for me to explain how I was able to go to college, I have to share my story of where I was 4 years ago.
My senior year of high school I was a tri-athlete, a 4.0+ student, involved in the community, and all I knew was that I wanted to go to college. I was very proactive and applied to numerous of scholarships, both local and at the national level. I even took a full load my senior year to better prepare me for life as a college student. Overall, I applied to more than 50+ scholarships (I stopped counting) and I even stayed during winter break to apply for more and not go to Mexico with my parents. The end of my senior year was quickly approaching and I still hadn’t heard from any scholarships. I had decided I wasn’t going to apply to the University of Nevada, Reno because at this point in time I was doing really well in track, and recruiters were interested in me. So I figured why only go to school in Reno? When I had the potential to play sports at the college level. So I applied to numerous schools that were interested in having me pole vault. Most of the schools were offering me a partial scholarship, but no one was offering me a full-ride. However, I decided to go visit a school in Oregon, I made the appointment and asked my older brother if I could borrow his car. I asked my mom if she could go with me, and so we hit the road. Being at the school I felt like I was wanted and could do really well in pole vault. So I signed my letter of intent. I was going to go to school in Oregon with a partial scholarship, how I was going to pay the rest? (I HAD NO CLUE!) I even kept getting asked by my classmates, “and how are you paying for college?” That question always got to me because I didn’t even know only thing I knew was I wanted to go to college.
During our awards ceremony at our high school I was hoping I would get a couple of scholarships so I wouldn’t have to take out a huge loan. I ended up only getting one $95 scholarship. My parents and I headed home and as soon as I walked in I went to my room and started balling my eyes out. I remember my brother asked my mom, how did it go? And I just remember my mom saying, “I will never let my child give so much to a school, and later be repaid like this.” My mom was right, I spent my whole time at school, community service, or traveling for sports. I would miss birthday parties, family gatherings, etc. I didn’t expect anything else in return but I thought I had worked hard enough to earn a scholarship. I just felt like I disappointed my family, the people that thought I could do it, and now I had to look them in the face and say I wasn’t going to go to Oregon. I didn’t have a back up plan because all these other schools were also out of state. Therefore, I had to think fast and apply to local schools.
I ended up applying to the University of Nevada, Reno the day after final applications are due. I called admissions and records and asked if I could still apply, they said yes, so I did. I got accepted, and now another hurdle I had to overcome, where was I going to live? Thankful for the friend I had that together we decided to embark this journey we get to call college.
Now that I am a bit wiser and look back at the doors that were slammed in my face I have nothing but gratitude. I wouldn’t have worked so hard or have appreciated these humbling moments as I do now. I remember when I was in second grade and I was working on my homework for consonants and vowels, in my mother’s kitchen. I asked my daddy if he could help me because I didn’t understand the instructions. Well he didn’t understand them either, and I admit, I pouted and started crying because how could I show up the next day with unfinished homework? I used to get so upset wth my dad because he could never help me with anything school related. Looking back now, I thank that man so much because I should have never gotten upset with neither my dad or my mom. Keep in mind, my parents only went to 3rd and 6th grade. With my daddy’s 6th grade education he came to America as a 1987 immigrant, became a US Citizen, and provided his family with a better life. A man that never once complained about working, who has always been compliant (got that trait from him for sure), who had worked hard for everything he has. A man who helped his parents live the American Dream and be able to come to the United States legally. I owe it all to him.
Fast forward four years later:
I had a Latino Graduation in which my family was able to attend it wasn’t the real deal, and my boyfriend even reminded me when he hugged me and said “congrats but you’re still not done” with his smirky attitude because he knew I still had one more final and the real graduation stage to walk in. Oh silly boy!! So we went to dinner to celebrate and then things turned upside down. My grandma was in a critical surgery, and my dad was on a flight to Mexico. I had every hope that everything would be okay and my dad would make it back in time for my graduation, but things didn’t work out that way and God had other plans. My mom decided to go to Mexico to support my daddy, so I was left with no parents of mine to watch me graduate on an accomplishment that was more there’s than mine. So then I was left with the decision, do I graduate and walk across the stage without my parents? (The two people that meant the world to me and the reason I went to college for) Or do I not walk because graduation would be miserable without them? Or do I pack my bags and go with my mom to surprise my father and be there for him? If you know me, you know I chose the last option. I went to go be with my father the man that has worked so hard to give his family the world. My parents worked so hard for my success and were always there for me. So as I am a couple of hours away to surprise my dad in Mexico, there is nothing more that I could ask for but to be with my dad during these difficult times. And he doesn’t deserve to miss my graduation but instead, to have me be there with him.
Life will give you many obstacles, some which come at unexpected times, but we have to keep moving forward, regardless. I would always sit in the car on my way to work and imagine what graduation would be like and how emotional it would be for me because.. I finally did it! These moments in my life were imagined with my family and most importantly my parents and if they can’t be there then it’s not right. And although I don’t get to walk on graduation day, and it breaks my heart, I promise to my parents, siblings, and myself, that I will go back to school and get my Master’s and hopefully that time around I will get to walk the stage. Things happen that we never see coming, but after all, I will always be a “daughter of a 1987 immigrant” and if I walk on that stage or not I still graduated for them.
“Daughter of a 1987 Immigrant”
Holiday Decor
Happy Holidays!
I am super excited for Christmas and the holidays that I wanted to decorate my home. My boyfriend and I hadn’t decorated a tree before and this was our first one, it was pretty special :). All of these products were super affordable. Most of them were from the Dollar Tree, Michael’s, Big Lots, Target, and my candle is from Bath and Body Works. I hope you get some inspiration to decorate your home.
Patty G