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A Night at the Reno Rodeo

I am not the biggest rodeo fan, but I do like a good time. I went out with some of my friends to tonight’s Reno Rodeo and had a blast! Watching the events was way more fun than I though it was. Alonso and I had gone awhile back (2-3 years ago) and didn’t have a good time because we didn’t actually go inside to watch the rodeo events.

Tonight, I was able to watch some events that included women, men, and even little kids. The little kids’ event was by far the cutest and my favorite. I posted some videos on my Insta Story here. Don’t forget it is only up for 24 hours! There was some bull riding, some barrel races, and a little bit of everything.

If you ever have the time to go out to a local rodeo event, I would suggest going. It’s a great time as well as great food! I wanted to get my favorite dessert, but I didn’t end up getting it. I usually pick up a funnel cake at rodeo events because they are so delicious! The rodeos I usually attend are in my hometown, Yerington, NV.

In Yerington, the rodeo is a little different and way smaller than they are here in Reno. There is a lot more seating as well as booths in Reno than the one in Yerington. However, I would have to say that the food in Yerington is a lot better! If you live in Reno I would suggest attending the Lyon County Fair & Rodeo in August! It will be hosted in Yerington, NV. My favorite event is the demo derby. There is some information here on what events they usually have.

Comment down below what your favorite thing to eat at a rodeo is!