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25 Lessons I’ve learned at 25

1. “You’ve got to work hard”

I cannot begin to express how important it is to have good work ethic. Regardless of what it is you want, remember that nothing comes easy and it sure as heck will not be handed to you.

2. “We all make mistakes, we just need to learn from them”

I’ve been so scared my entire life of making a bad mistake. And honestly, the truth is everyone makes mistakes. No one will sit there and put you down for your mistakes. Just simply, wipe that tear away, get up, and learn from them. We’ve got a whole life ahead of us to be worrying about this small thing that happened.

3. “Remember your roots”

How can I live a life without thanking those that raised me? I see many people forgetting about where their upbringings are and not being prideful of their culture. My parents immigrated to this country and lived in a small town to raise my brothers and I. I did not live wealthy, but I grew up with parents who showed me strong work ethic. We visit Mexico frequently, to visit family and to remember where our roots began. My parents have always been so advocate about remembering where they came from.

4. “Your family is your support system”

My pride and joy. The people I want to make proud. My family means the world to me and I’ve realized how important it is to have some sort of support system. Whether that is your best friends, your mentors, your family, etc. you should always have those people around you that care for you and uplift you. This ride isn’t meant for us to be solo, pick up some passengers along the way 🙂

5. “Get yourself a puppy”

You may not like dogs but get yourself a companion of some sort. My pup Chewy is literally my ride or die. I never knew a pet would be able to understand you and your emotions so well. If you are single, married, taken, divorced, etc. having a companion is like having a best friend with you at all times. They know what you’re feeling and although they can’t talk back to you, you still know what they mean to say.

6. “Make a difference”

It’s important to live your life, but it’s also important to remember to give back to the world you get to live in. Whether that’s helping out with community service, donating, mentoring, coaching, etc. Many of the life lessons I have learned is from my mentors and coaches. I strive to do the same.

7. “If a door closes, find a better door to open”

I think majority of us just see everyone’s “good” life, but we obviously do not see their struggles and hardships. Social media portrays that everyone’s life is perfect, but it’s not. I have had way too many doors closes (some smashed) in my face. I learned this lesson from my Dad, do not sit there and be sad and depressed because bad things happen to you or because something didn’t go as planned. You have to continue to work hard for what you want, and let me tell you in the end, it will all be worth it. That feeling of accomplishment is just oh so rewarding. Do not give up!

8. “Some dreams may change, but never stop dreaming”

This lesson is similar to the one before. Dreams fuel my blood. I accomplish something and I’m already looking for the next big dream to work on. I seriously just cannot stop. I also want to add that if your dreams do not scare you they really aren’t big enough. Sometimes we are just so afraid of failure that it keeps us from dreaming bigger. Don’t let that stop you!

9. “Everyone has their own timing for everything”

Goodness…do you guys ever scroll through your social media and sometimes wonder: “when will I ever get _______?” The blank can be anything from having kids, getting married, getting engaged, buying a house, graduating, etc. I’m being completely honest, I used to think this way. Do not compare your life with anyone else’s. Let me be the first to tell you that you do not need to follow someone else’s timeline. There is a plan for each one of us and it is not the same. You are the only one that knows when your time is right.

10. “At the end of the day people will remember how you made them feel, be a good human”

I am not perfect, but if there is something I strive to do is be kind and help others. I want to make a good impression on others. That doesn’t mean you want to please people but it means don’t be a jerk and be kind to others. People will remember the way you made them feel, don’t be that jerk. I remember in high school there was a girl in my class who kept asking me how I was going to pay for college. I didn’t see her asking everyone else the same question. She assumed because my parents were poor I would be taking out loans or not going to college at all. So yes, she made me feel like I wasn’t at her level/status. Well fast forward many years, I graduated with my two degrees without any loans, I don’t hold resentment towards her, but I used that as motivation for everything I ever desired. Moral of the story – be a good human to others!

11. “Take the road less traveled by”

I love love love this quote! I used this as motivation a couple of years ago when I decided to study abroad in China. Oh how I love doing what no one else around me has done. Do not get me wrong it is not a prideful thing. On the contrary, I see it as there is not just one way to do something. For example, I struggle a lot with doing the “right” thing because everyone else around me has done it. Meaning, getting married through church, then having kids, not moving in with your partner until you’re married, etc. Who says any of that is the “right” way of doing things? Just because I grew up like that doesn’t mean that’s what I have to do. I know it’s so hard to understand because we are accustomed a certain way. The pathway you take, is the one you want to take. It does not have to be the same road that everyone else takes. I choose to live a life that no one around me really lives because in my heart that’s what I believe in. It ends up being the one less traveled by, and people doubt me, but I’m the happiest this way 🙂

12. “Don’t worry so much about others, first take care of yourself”

This lesson is kind of similar to some mentioned before but it’s so true. I worry a lot about so many people because I just love helping everyone else. However, I have realized the hard way that I cannot help anyone else if I do not help myself first. It is my life and I’m the one that should be in control of it. The people around me will be supportive and I can help them as much as I can, but first comes me.

13. “Some of the people closest to you will hurt you the most”

This one is hard to swallow. I cannot fathom how people who have been a part of your life for so many years actually hurt you the most. I’ve lost a couple of close people in my life. My mom used to always tell me it’s because people are jealous. I still don’t believe that. I put a lot of blame on myself and pretty much make excuses for others as to why they left my life so abruptly. Let me be open and honest and tell you MANY people have blocked me, unfriended and unfollowed me. I personally don’t think I have done anything to them. But I cannot worry about those who choose to stray away from my life. I post what I want to post and if others do not want to see that they have every right to walk away. This is one of those lessons that sucks to go through but at the end you learn not to trust everyone.

14. “People come and go, those who stay are worth it”

This is similar to the one before. However, I do want those reading to understand that even at 18 this happens to you. Don’t think just because you get older that people won’t abruptly leave as well. People drift apart and it truly does suck, for lack of better words. I hate it. I’ve had friendship for more than 20 years and when it came to an end, it hurt more than any other guy has ever hurt me. I never wanted to have a close friend because of the pain I felt. But you have to understand that people will walk out of your life, but people will also come into your life. I have met some of the greatest friends since then. People who not only are my close friends but people who just teach me a lot about life in general. I love that about relationships: you get to learn from one another.

15. “Travel often”

I saw this quote that said “We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us” and it just hit me. That is beyond true! Life is so precious and we truly never know when it might come to an end. If something were to happen to me, I can say I’ve lived life to the fullest. Although I still have dreams I want to accomplish, I have enjoyed life. Since studying abroad, I realized how much life is still out there for me to explore. I want to continue doing that. I think up to this point I have been blessed to go to many places and not just alone but with those close to me. Enjoy life too 🙂

16. “Give back to your parents”

This is one of my life lessons because I have realized at such a young age how much my parents have done for my siblings and I. I started working when I was 12 years old, not because my parents forced me, but because I saw they needed help. Since then, any opportunity I have to do something whether it’s pay for their trips, take them somewhere, anything, I try to do it. It’s rewarding in my heart to know I can give back to the parents that raised me to be who I am today. I am who I am because I see how my parents are. My parents give back to their own parents and I can tell how rewarding it was for them.

17. “Work towards you dream job”

If you love what you do you will come home happy, you’ll radiate happiness around you, and you’ll feel like you’re doing something that makes a difference because it’s what you are passionate about. If I can give another advice with this is don’t take a job that isn’t something you like doing. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes you have to sacrifice and take something because you’re working on getting something better, and that’s fine. But never stop working somehow for your dream job 🙂 Stay hustling!

18. “Be smart with your money”

Just because you have money doesn’t mean you need to spend it, especially on unnecessary things. I do believe in treating yourself every once in a while, I mean it’s good for the soul lol. But be smart, make some investments, put money in your 401K, etc. I believe that money doesn’t buy happiness but it does feed you, and put a roof over your head.

19. “Value yourself”

This lesson is more of knowing what you’re worth and valuing who you are as a person. Don’t let negativity and people’s comments dictate who you are. Look at yourself in the mirror and say positive affirmations towards yourself. I know that sound weird, but you have no idea how many people live life unhappy with themselves. I remember Alonso would always tell me, “if you don’t love yourself, who else will?” & “if you don’t flaunt yourself, who else will?” boy was he right. If you don’t like what you are becoming, change it. It’s never too late to be the person you were meant to be.

20. “Find a hobby”

Like blogging 🙂 I always have to stay busy and do a million things at once. I don’t know why, I must think that the I’m on a timer and it will go off pretty soon if I don’t get to everything I need to do. It’s important to find hobbies you love to help you distress. I love to workout and blog. If I’m not doing that I do feel like I’m more tense and stressed out. I feel like I don’t have anywhere to let go of that stress and relax. Find something you love doing and make it a part of your life.

21. “Do not settle”

Repeat after me DO NOT SETTLE! There’s nothing worse than feeling like you can’t do something so you have to just go with plan B. If you’re truly happy with plan B then that’s fine. But if you truly wanted something you can’t settle. You got to believe in yourself and continue to keep trying. Where there’s a will there’s a way. You are in control of your life, make sure your destiny is what you want it to be.

22. “Don’t be afraid to love deeply”

If you know me personally you know I love hard. I love those around me so passionately. My heart literally can explode from so much love. Many people are afraid of that because they have been hurt, they don’t know what it feels like, or they don’t need it. But love is so pure and it fuels the things we do in life. When you’re in a relationship with your partner and he/she is the one for you, don’t be afraid to let go and love and be loved! If you get hurt, remember life goes on 🙂

23. “Time is valuable, spend it with the right ones”

Time is money haha. No, but it really is. People do not have time to be wasting it on those who do not value it. Find the right people and spend your time with them.

24. “Try something new”

Whether its food, moving, job, etc. Just do it! We grow most when we are at our uncomfortable stage. Don’t let anything hold you back from exploring your horizons.

25. “Don’t let other people influence your decisions”

This is the hardest lesson I’ve had to learn. Many times I feel like I’ve been pressured by society and others to make certain decisions in my life that I’m just not ready for me. Enough is enough, I’m the one that needs to do what’s best for me and take control of my life. People will have their opinion, but I can’t be making decisions because of what they think, but rather what I think and want. The people who love you will support the decision you choose because that’s just what they have to do. They have to respect that.

If you got through all of that, I just wanted to say thank you! Thank you for following along even though I haven’t been so consistent on here. There are a lot of things I’m working on that hoping soon I can share. Here’s to being 25, and seeing what life has in store for me 🙂


  • Angel Villar

    Fantastic post! Firstly, I would like to say that when it comes to each one of these 25 lessons, they all accurately depict the person that you are, and this is coming from a person that is close to you. I feel that if I had to highlight one of these for you and emphasize it, it would have to be lesson #12: “Don’t worry so much about others, first take care of yourself”. The reason this one stood out to me is because I have first hand experience of witnessing how selfless of a person you are. There is never a moment where I observe what you’re doing and don’t see you doing something for someone. This is one of the many reasons I am proud to call you my friend.
    However, as your friend, I am always the first to tell you that you must first make sure that your cup is full, before you start thinking about pouring for others. When you get a chance, let me know what you think about the downstream ramifications of being so much of a giver, that you forget to receive.
    Happy Birthday, amiga!


      Thank you so much for your sweet words! I appreciate your honestly and realness with me.. always! I know it’s important for me to start taking care of myself first. And I’m hopeful moving forward I started following my own heart instead. Thank you ❤️