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10 Easy & Quick Thanksgiving Outfit Ideas

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I am so thankful for many things this year, but one thing that stands out the most is my family. After everything that has happened this year, I have had a wide opening as to how blessed I am for amazing parents and such supporting brothers. When our world turned upside down we were definitely there for each other (more on THIS post).

But overall I am also thankful for my amazing friends and boyfriend that made this year so fun! I thought I would share with you some outfit ideas you can recreate for tonight. I am sure you have a lot of similar pieces in your closet. Eat a lot, and most of all cherish the moment well spent with loved ones!


Patty G.

Shirt  //  Jeans  //  Similar Scarf  //  Similar Hat  //  Similar Booties (so sad mine were from Target & they no longer sell them)


Similar Cardigan  //  Shirt //  Jeans  //  Similar Booties (also no longer sold at Target)

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 Similar Hat  // Similar Long Sleeve& here (different color) // Similar Jeans  //  Similar Booties

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Long Sleeve Shirt  //  Skirt  //  Hat (similar)  //  Bootie (similar)

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Sweater Tunic  //  Jeans (similar)  //  Bootssimilar here (almost identical)  //  Similar Bag


Similar Hat //  Long Sleeve  //  Similar Vest (mine was from TJMaxx or $10) //  Jeans   //  Similar Booties

Similar Shirt  //  Similar Jeans (under $20)  // Similar Booties

Similar Cardigan (mine is from Nordstrom but it’s out of stocked)  //   Similar shirt  // Jeans  //  Similar Booties

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Similar shirt  //   Similar Jacket  //  Similar Jeans (under $20)
Sunglasses & Purse from Marshalls  //  Similar Booties

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Scarf (similar)  //  Dress (similar)  //  Black Booties  // Tights//  Bag (similar)